We can open applications directly without using the mouse clicking on the Windows menu – then searching for the application we want.
First open the Run window using the Windows – R shortcut, then type the following list of application commands as needed:
Ctrl + A – Pilih semua teks
Ctrl + C – Salin
Ctrl + X – Potong
Ctrl + V – Tempel
Ctrl + Z – Mengembalikan tindakan sebelumnya (Undo)
Ctrl + Y – Mengulangi tindakan sesudahnya (Redo)
ALT + F4 – Menutup aplikasi
Windows key + A – Menampilkan jendela notifikasi
Windows + D – Menyembunyikan dan Menampilkan tampilan desktop
Windows + . – Menampilkan daftar icon emoticon
Windows + C Cortana
Windows + P – Menampilkan
Windows + L – Mengunci layar
Windows + R – Menampilkan jendela Run
Windows + U –
Windows + E – Membuka aplikasi Window Explorer
Windows + H – Membuka aplikasi speech Recognition
Windows + X – Membuka menu windows
Windows + V – Membuka jendela Clipboard
Windows + M – Me-minimize semua aplikasi
Windows + Shift + S – Membuka aplikasi Snip & Sketch untuk mengedit layar
Windows + Tab – Menampilkan daftar aplikasi dan dapat berpindah ke aplikasi lain
Windows – Right-Up (Memindahkan aplikasi ke kuadran kanan atas)
Windows Key-Ctrl-Kiri atau Kanan (virtual desktop)
Windows Key-Ctrl-D (desktop virtual baru)
Windows Key-Ctrl-C (Cortana Listening)
Windows Key-S (Laporan Harian untuk cuaca, berita, olahraga)
Windows Key-Ctrl-F4 (menutup virtual desktop)
Windows Key-Up dan Down (snap aplikasi ke atas atau bawah layar atau maksimalkan)
Sumber : https://tekno.kompas.com/read/2021/07/06/20200087/daftar-lengkap-tombol-shortcut-di-windows-10
Replace all file extensions in one folder
Sometimes we want to change the extension of many files in one folder to another extension without having to bother editing one by one, the use of the following script is to change all extensions from .html to .php
replace file extension = .html to .php
@echo off
REM %1 is the directory to recurse through and %2 is the file extension to remove
for %%f in (*.html) do (
REM Path (sans drive) is given by %%~pf ; drive is given by %%~df
REM file name (sans ext) is given by %%~nf ; to 'rename' files, move them
copy "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.html" "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.php"
echo "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.html" copied to "%%~df%%~pf%%~nf.php"
Sometimes we want to retrieve all the file names in one folder, with this trick you don’t have to bother typing one file name at a time, and you don’t need to look for a special application for this case, just use a browser like Chrome or Edge then type the folder path you want. copy eg C:\
Optimizing Performance in Windows
“My computer is P4, RAM memory is 512 mb but how come my computer is still slow”, that’s a word that I often hear from my friends. Yes, of course, just look at the taskbar at the bottom left, this is the taskbar from my friend’s computer
take a look at my computer’s taskbar
Actually, it’s not the computer that’s slow, it’s the users who don’t understand. The logic is easy, just think!!! if all programs run in the background, a computer with 1 gigabyte of RAM memory will not be enough.
The solution is simple, simply turn off unneeded programs while booting by typing
On the Startup tab, tick the programs you want to turn off.
Attention! You must know what is the use of the program to be turned off.
On the Services tab, here’s a list of programs that I recommend turning off:
Computer Browser
Error Reporting Service
Help and Support
Imapi CD-Burning
COM Service Messenger
Remote Desktop Sharing
Network DDE
Network DDE DSM
Network Location Awareness (NLA)
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Remote Registry
Smart Card Helper
Smart Card
Task Scheduler
Secondary Logon
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Telephony Terminal Services
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Upload Manager
Portable Media Serial Number
WMI Performance Adapter
Wireless Zero Configuration
Oh yes, when we install the program it is often automatically loaded when we open the computer, for example, Winamp, OpenOffice and so on. To save memory, turn off unnecessary programs by clicking the StartUp tab and checking the programs you don’t want to run.