Domain is a unique name which is the address of a website. Domains can consist of various extensions such as .com, .org, .net, .co, .gov, and so on. This extension is also known as TLD (Top Level Domain)
The fewer characters a domain name has, the more expensive it will be, including common words in various languages, such as English or Indonesian.
We can buy and register the name of our choice to become a domain with a domain provider, the bill is usually paid annually. There are domains with cheap extensions, for example the .xyz domain is only 28k per year for the first year purchase. Domain and hosting providers usually provide promo prices at the time of initial purchase, prices will return to normal for the next bill, make sure the next bill fits your budget, because otherwise you will have to migrate all your website data.
For those of you who have a minimal budget, you can use a free domain, for example the domain, you can register it at
Top Level Domain
There are 2 kinds of Top Level Domains, namely,
1. Generic Top Level Domain (gTLD)
gTLD is a general TLD. The gTLDs include .com, .edu, .gov, .int , .mil, .org, .net.
List of domain extensions and their uses
This is an open TLD; any person or entity is permitted to register. Although originally intended for use by non-profit business entities, for several reasons, this domain became the primary TLD for domain names and is currently used by all types of entities including non-profit organizations, schools, and private individuals.
This is an open TLD; any person or entity is permitted to register. It was originally intended for use by non-profit organizations, and is still used by some people.
This is an open TLD; any person or entity is permitted to register. It was originally intended for use by domains pointing to a distributed network of computers, or “umbrella” sites that act as portals to a smaller set of websites.
The .int TLD is strictly limited to organizations, offices, and programs supported by an agreement between two or more countries. However, some legacy domains do not meet these criteria.
.edu TLDs are limited to certain higher education institutions such as, but not limited to, trade schools and universities.
US state and national government agencies
The .gov TLD is limited to United States government entities and agencies as well as eligible local state, county and city government agencies, and tribal governments.
militer AS
.mil TLD is limited to divisions, services, and agencies of the United States Department of Defense.
used for business purposes
used for informational purposes
used for personal web purposes
used for airlines
used for domain in asia
used for mobile communication purposes
used for telecommunications
used for museum websites
used for travel
used for television stations
2. Country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)
ccTLD is a TLD based on a country code. For example, Indonesia uses .id, the UK uses .uk, Singapore uses .sg and so on.
Second Level Domain
Second Level Domain is the domain name that you register. For example then this information is called Second Level Domain.
Third Level Domain
Third Level Domain is the word to the left of the Second Level Domain. For example The word blog is what is a Third Level Domain. Sometimes, people call this Third Level Domain as a subdomain.
Top Level Domain Indonesia
In Indonesia, all .id domain extensions are managed by PANDI (Indonesian Internet Domain Name Manager). All domain extensions managed by PANDI should not be used carelessly. You need to meet certain requirements before you have some of these domain extensions such as ID cards, business licenses and so on.
The types of Top Level Domain Indonesia are, : used for academic/college environment : used for commercial purposes : used for village government sites : used for organization : used for telecommunications service providers : used for individuals and organizations : used for school : used for government agencies
Domain Age
As discussed earlier, Google will include a new domain in the evaluation, and will issue it after a while, this depends on traffic and algorithms from Google.
In order to get visitors, we must first register our website using sitemap.xml to all search engines, especially Google so that it is indexed. After being indexed, Google uses the data to display organic search based on keywords plus various points on our website, such as content quality, backlinks, domain rank, etc.
The longer the age of our domain, then all pages or posts of course are all indexed by Google. The more content the better, then our website will compete with other content similar to the results of the Google index as well.
Attention: Changes in domain names and page links will mess up the index data that already exists on Google. For example, previously the domain was changed to, making your website start over again because you have to register or change the data to be a redirect in the previous Google index record, and start another keyword battle with other websites, don’t be surprised if there are no visitors. completely after changing the domain name.
Therefore, make sure that when updating or changing the template does not interfere with pre-existing links.
What is Hosting?
Hosting is a place to store on the internet, a domain is just a name, and will not display information pages without hosting.
Domains and hosting can be purchased separately from two service providers, for example, my domain is registered at while hosting at, we just need to connect the domain and hosting.
Hosting is like a hard drive on the internet, we have to put the files containing our website, the file is a web programming language, it can consist of HTML files that only display static web, or PHP, ASP, ASP.NET files, Nodejs App, and so forth. The author uses wordpress free cms as a blog website.
How to Connect Domain and Hosting
How to Connect Domain and Hosting is very easy, here are the steps:
a. Setup Domain
Buy a domain anywhere, then login to the members area.
Select our domain name, then look for Nameserver settings.
Enter the nameserver of our hosting.
b. Setup Hosting
Login to the hosting server that we bought
Create our own domain name, for example
Upload the website file in the public_html folder, the public_html folder is a public folder that can be accessed by the public from our website address, for example,
Wait a few moments for the domain and hosting to connect, at most 1×24 hours, usually changes in a few minutes depending on the two servers.
Congratulations, you have successfully connected Domain and Hosting. Please also read the article What is SEOReference: