Anticipate your Facebook / yahoo / gmail account before it gets blocked
“My facebook is blocked, the password seems to be correct but it keeps failing, please fix it”
“My yahoo email is blocked, how do I reactivate it, how can I forget the security code, can it be reactivated or not?”
The above is an example of a problem that my friends often ask for help, namely a blocked ym or fb account.
Sometimes we like to forget the account password that we have created, especially if we add to the number of accounts we have, ranging from yahoo, facebook, twitter, gmail, skype, kaskus, websites, and various other accounts, it is possible that we forget the own passwords.
To anticipate the occurrence of a blocked account or forgotten password and recover it again, here are the steps I took:
The first method is to setup a security code.
This step is quite easy, namely by selecting a secret question and answer to activate a blocked account. The method is in the yahoo service and this is not on facebook.
The second method is to setup an alternative email.
With an alternative email, if your account has been blocked, you can reset your account password which will be sent to an alternative email.
As far as I know, on average all services have alternative email features, for example yahoo, facebook and gmail.
To use an alternative email, you have to manually setup each service and unfortunately not everyone does an alternative email setup, so as a result, the email can no longer be accessed and a new email must be created with a note that the security code is also forgotten.
The third method, the newest method, is to use your cellphone number as a backup to recover your account.
Not all services have an identification feature via cellphone, as far as I know the services that have a cellphone feature are Facebook, Yahoo and Gmail.
Specifically for Facebook services, there is a login method based on photo recognition, and it is one of the gaps that can be used to access a Facebook account, because for people who know you, of course, the names of your tagged photos can be known.
Now we return to the initial topic, suppose your fb is blocked like what happened at the beginning, then you can reset the account you have using your email id, automatically when you create a fb account, your email is a backup of your account and this actually includes an alternative email.
For the problem of blocked yahoo email, if you can’t access via security code and don’t set up alternative email or identification via cellphone, then get ready to create a new yahoo email account.
And finally, many people don’t know that if we have never accessed the account we have within a certain period of time, our account will be automatically deleted, the period depends on the policy of each service, for example for gmail, if it has not been used for 9 months, it will be deleted, while the yahoo service within 4 months, for other services can check on each service. Of course, before the account is deleted, you will be warned about deleting your account.
Tolong bantuannya bos akun fb saya di blokir.Udah 9 hari tdk aktif.banyak informasi penting dari teman.Saya tdk bisa apa2 lg.terima kasih
slmt sore…sy minta tlong fb sy di kirimkan kode verifikasinya ke no.083897953950 krn no hp ku sdh mati dan email ku lupa parword
Slmt sore sy minta tlong kode verifikasi fb sy di kirim ke no hp 083897953950 krn no lama sy sdh tdk aktif dan email fb pun lupa password…sngt pntg trm kasih.