10 useful websites you may not know about
Here’s a list of useful websites you might not know about: 1. Typingweb Computer users who are a bit slow in typing can use this website to learn to type. typingweb learn to type...
Here’s a list of useful websites you might not know about: 1. Typingweb Computer users who are a bit slow in typing can use this website to learn to type. typingweb learn to type...
1. Use numeric data type as primary key or foreign key Often beginners will design tables using string types as keys, and this will result in future performance when the data is large, so...
Confused looking for automatic backup for mysql database? Here are easy and simple steps to perform scheduled automatic backups using the command prompt bat script and Task Scheduler 1. Create a bat file with...
In making applications, we often need a window to search for certain data, this function we usually call lookup. This time we will create a simple lookup script with the popup library colorbox for...
Where I work, I am often asked by users if there are problems with computers, ranging from simple things such as asking excel formulas, printers not printing, setting up song player applications, trouble with...
Because the default search filter provided by K2 Smartform is not preferred, after searching for other alternatives, finally found the use of stored procedure(SP) as an alternative to search filters. Here are the steps...
A few days ago my laptop had problems due to viruses and often crashed, long story short, windows had to be reinstalled. After trial and error searching from the internet, I finally managed to...
For almost 20 years of our lives as humans we have spent a lot of studying in school, we learn what we need to know about everything, the things we have learned, will be...
Inna lillahi wa inailahi rojiun, on Tuesday, April 14 2015 at 10 am local time, TKW Siti Zaenab Bt passed away. Duhri, 47 years old. The notice of execution was received by the Indonesian...
I often read how teenagers who have just finished high school and want to go to college but are confused about which IT major to choose. Therefore, I want to share a little knowledge...