Category: Komputer

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K2 SmartForm Filter Stored Procedure Search in SQL Server

Because the default search filter provided by K2 Smartform is not preferred, after searching for other alternatives, finally found the use of stored procedure(SP) as an alternative to search filters. Here are the steps...

information technology 0

Overview of IT majors and IT graduates

I often read how teenagers who have just finished high school and want to go to college but are confused about which IT major to choose. Therefore, I want to share a little knowledge...

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Fabrik Joomla Component : Cheet Sheet Sample Code

Fabrik is one of the components in the Joomla CMS, the usefulness of the Fabrik component is a tool to easily create web applications. With Fabrik it is very easy to create forms and...

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PHP: Creating Custom Feedback Forms in Joomla

There are various components provided by Joomla CMS to create forms, one of which is Fabric, but sometimes we also want to create our own custom forms for our own reasons, the form will...

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Learn CMS (Content Management System) Joomla

Joomla In the beginning, the author as a web developer often used modified locally made cms such as cms from lokomedia, lastly cms codefight for codeigniter, after studying Joomla cms, it turned out to...

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Computer and Internet make the new era of information!!

After scientist had discover about Internet, this world will never be the same, the internet technology gives every human to interact with people outside the country even the continent, they can chat, calling using...