Home buying steps and tips
The house is one of the standards to get a decent life, not everyone owns a house, most people rent a house for a long time, because of this most people also don’t know the steps, tips and criteria in buying a house. Please also read the article The Vicious Circle of Poverty,
Here are the steps and tips for finding a house
1. Decide whether to buy in a housing complex / village / apartment
You can open various websites such as olx.co.id, rumah.com, lamudi.co.id, and other home sales websites to find homes on offer.The advantages and disadvantages of buying a complex house
- Security is guaranteed, because usually there are security officers guarding the entrance and exit of the housing complex. Note: make sure the housing complex is limited by a dividing wall between housing and villages, because there are housing complex developers that I know of did not complete the dividing wall between housing and villages, causing housing security to be not maintained, because thieves are easy to enter and exit the complex.
- Access roads are available and neatly arranged, all the houses built make it easy to get in and out of the car. This is very important because access to a car is included in the criteria for a bank mortgage, besides that the selling price of a house is more expensive than a house without access to a car
- Long-term investment, for the long term housing is a good investment, because housing prices will continue to rise
- Easily accepted by the bank, the house in the complex does not have to worry about dealing with the bank whether it is a mortgage, as collateral, and so on, because the bank sees complex houses as very feasible as collateral assets.
- house prices tend to be more expensive than village houses
The advantages and disadvantages of buying a village house
- the price is cheaper, with the same size village land is cheaper than complex land
- Road access is messy, road access really depends on the wishes of the land owner, whether they want to provide road access, even the owner can change his mind after granting road access but wants to withdraw the land because there is no black and white on paper Note: be careful buying a house in the village if the access road to the house passes through other people’s land, because if the owner changes his mind and closes the access road, it will be very tiring for those of you who live and the price of your house will surely fall.There are many cases of disputes related to houses in the village, including: – https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2021/03/14/07105991/fakta-penutupan-akses-rumah-warga-ciledug-berawal-dari-sengketa-hingga?page=all– https://news.detik.com/berita/d-5491791/warga-panjat-tembok-akibat-akses-jalan-rumah-ditutup-polisi-utamakan-mediasi
- Security is not guaranteed, even though village houses have patrols for security, security will be difficult to maintain, this is because houses in the village have many ways in and out, and it is very difficult for security officers.
- Not good as a long term investment. most of the village houses are in an alley and do not have access to a car, only motorbike access, house prices will not experience a significant increase compared to houses in the complex. Note: a house in a village is also an investment and is better than having no house at all.
The advantages and disadvantages of buying an apartment
- Near the city, apartments are usually built near public transportation facilities such as trains, busways so that it takes a short time to go to work
- Costs are more expensive, the costs to be paid in apartments are more expensive than in ordinary houses. Costs such as service charge fees, water and electricity bills, and so on.
- Inadequate facilities, often the facilities built are not in accordance with the developer’s promises, for example: there is no green open space, elevator facilities are often damaged, there is no PDAM, etc..
- Conflicts often occur, conflicts occur between apartment managers and apartment residents, the usual case is the apartment manager wants to increase the billing fee but it is not agreed upon by the apartment residents.
2. Check the condition of the house
After finding a house that you like, do a survey and check the various details of the house, make sure you know all the conditions of your house Here’s a list of questions you should know when conducting a survey:- Security, security is the number one factor in the house, because it determines you feel at home in the house for a long time. Imagine if the house is not safe, the motorbike parking in the yard can even be lost. It would be better if the buyer before buying the house, rented a house close to the location of the desired house, with this the buyer knows the area and anticipates various unexpected things that may happen in the future.
- Complete documents, make sure the house has complete documents, the documents are certificates of SHM or HGB house, IMB, etc.
- Location, the location of the house greatly determines the high price of the house, houses located in urban areas are more expensive than suburban areas. Notes: Paying a house installment, whether it’s a village house or a complex house, will be better than continuing to pay for rent, you just have to prepare money for the house down payment. But it would be better if you pay in cash, collect the money, and pay off the house immediately.
- Renovation, does the house need to be repaired / renovated again or not
- Flood, is the house located in a flood-prone area?
- Water sources, especially for housing that is not passed by PDAM, check the water from the well whether it smells, is yellow, and is suitable for use, and so on.
3. Buying a house
You can buy a house through cash or mortgage payments Here are the purchase steps:a. Cash
- The buyer pays the house down payment as a sign to the home owner.
- The buyer and seller determine the date and together go to the agreed notary, make sure each party brings the necessary documents,
- AJB. After the check is complete and notified by the notary that there is no problem with the certificate, the agreed AJB date will be determined. The signing of the AJB must be attended by all parties. After signing the new AJB, the remaining payment will be paid. After confirming payment to the notary and seller, and just waiting for the AJB processing and returning the certificate name to the buyer’s name.
- Take the certificate, the AJB process and the name transfer can take months, once it is finished it will be notified by a notary. Make sure you bring your certificate receipt.
b. KPR
Buying with a mortgage has a long process- Pay the house down payment to the owner and agree that the process of buying a house is a mortgage, and the seller is willing to wait for the mortgage process. This down payment is usually considered forfeited if the mortgage process is canceled, but this policy depends on negotiations with the homeowner.
- Prepare a down payment for a house, according to the latest regulations, buyers must prepare a down payment of 20% of the house price
- Applying for a mortgage to the bank, there is a fee that must be paid for applying for a mortgage, the fee varies from bank to bank, then we have to submit the required documents from the bank.
- Waiting for the survey officer to see the house
- The bank will assess the house price and usually the price is below the market price, the bank will determine whether to approve or reject the mortgage application
- If the bank agrees, the bank will pay off the house and the certificate will be in the hands of the bank, and we have to pay in installments per month up to 5-10-15-20-25 years, according to ability.