Simple App QR Code Scanner & Generator
QR Code Scanner & Generator App help user record barcode and qr code and support export data to pdf and excel file (.xslx) QR Code Scanner & Generator is free app and simple app...
QR Code Scanner & Generator App help user record barcode and qr code and support export data to pdf and excel file (.xslx) QR Code Scanner & Generator is free app and simple app...
Data retrieval from a remote source is required in almost every program you will create. Unfortunately, retrieving data is rarely as straightforward as simply retrieving it and presenting it. Consider the following: What should...
We’ll look at how to use PHP_XLSXWriter to generate an excel report from a MySQL database. The PHP_XLSXWriter library is intended to be lightweight and consume less memory. Why Report using Excel? Because the...
Apakah Anda ingin menambahkan menu navigasi khusus di tema WordPress Anda? Semua tema telah menetapkan lokasi tempat Anda dapat menampilkan menu navigasi. Namun, secara default, Anda tidak dapat menambahkan menu di mana pun kecuali...
If you’ve never heard of Zustand but still wake up from night terrors with Redux as the main baddie, you should absolutely make friends with this jamming bear. It takes only THREE MINUTES to...
CCTV Indonesia adalah aplikasi untuk dapat memantau situasi dan kondisi tempat tertentu berbagai jalan kota Indonesia. Pada umumnya CCTV seringkali digunakan untuk mengawasi area public sebagai pengintai arus transportasi, khususnya di jalan yang rawan kecelakaan...
In this post, we’ll look at how to use SQLite to store and persist data locally in our React Native and Expo apps. SQLite is supported by practically all mobile devices. To access it,...
I’ll make a basic form with name, phone number, email, password, and confirm password input fields to showcase easy form-building in react native. A state is a database window or screen that has numerous...
The Citizen Contribution Application supports multi-user features, meaning users can distribute petty cash accounts or group dues to friends or members as desired. For example, a social gathering group, the owner of the social...
About 100 million copies of the MySQL software have been downloaded or distributed during its lifetime, making it the most widely used open source database program in the world. Because MySQL solves key issues...